Undersea Cables: The Achilles Heel of our Economies

Franz-Stefan Gady Foreign policy analyst, EastWest Institute Huffington Post, Posted: December 21, 2010 02:20 PM In December 2008 within milliseconds, Egypt lost 70 percent of its connection to the outside Internet. In far away India, 50 to 60 percent of online connectivity similarly was lost. In Pakistan, 12 million people were knocked offline suddenly, and …

Reference: Private Military Corporations–A Non-State Actor-Nuclear Terror Nexus?

Private Military Corporations: A Non-State Actor-Nuclear Terror Nexus? Robert L. Brown Temple University August 16, 2010 Abstract: The risk of nuclear terrorism is hyped by some as possible and high consequence (Allison 2006) while others dismiss the strategy as too difficult and too risky for terrorist organizations (Jenkins 2008). However, analysts have no data from …

Journal: A Glimpse Into Emergent Populist Intelligence

Tags Activist Altruist Centrist Coffee Party Communitarian Globalist Green Humanist Organizer Patriot Peacemaker Programmer Progressive Spiritual Theorist Transpartisan Universalist Volunteer Worker Writer Issues Balanced judgment Church and state Citizen participation and engagement Cooperation Corporate power Fragmented or disjointed thinking Grassroots mobilization Inclusion Media Mistrust Money in politics National unity Partisanship in politics Spin and distortion …

Journal: Near-Term Demise of Private Military Contractors

Former Blackwater Bought By Investment Group by The Associated Press RALEIGH, N.C. December 17, 2010, 10:38 am ET An investment group with ties to the founder of the company formerly known as Blackwater announced Friday that it has bought the security firm, which was heavily criticized for its contractors’ actions in Iraq. USTC Holdings said …