Journal: The Cloud Bubbas (Two Bubbettes) Met on 3 September and You Were Not Invited

Cloud of Clouds is the new new meme, burying Semantic Web. You can see Vint Cerf in his traditional vest.  We’ve asked for the names of all those attending, perhaps that will come out soon. In the meantime, we see Google and CISCO-Nokia going head to head, whle Amazon and IBM fritter on the sides, …

Journal: 300,000 Beijing residents to access National Library through TV

September 10, 2009 marked the 100th anniversary of the National Library. Reporters learned that the National Library is now popularizing new reading channels, enabling citizens to access content from the National Library through their digital TV. By the end of this year, more than 300,000 Beijing citizens will enjoy this service. With a hundred-year history, …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 20 September 2009

Hot Topics ID:  Indonesia eyes militant networks after Noordin killing 09/18/09 ID: Police: DNA confirms Noordin dead 09/19/09 ID: The Indonesian Police and the KPK Sued 09/17/09 IN: Crime tracking network system by 2011-12 09/20/09 LK: IMHO and the LTTE connection 09/20/09 MY: Malaysia: Untried Terror Suspects Free 09/16/09 NP: Are Nepal’s Maoists a threat …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 17 September 2009

Hot Topics AA:  New tape from al-Qaeda leader bin Laden released 09/14/09 AE: TALON Laser-Guided Rocket Team completes first guided test flights 09/14/09 AE: UAE confession was ‘under duress’ 09/14/09 AF:  Afghanistan’s Other Front 09/16/09 AF:  Al Qaeda calls for foreign civilian kidnappings in Afghanistan 09/16/09 EG: Egypt Defends Killing of Migrants Trying to Cross …

Monograph: The U.S. Intelligence Community and Foreign Policy Getting Analysis Right

This monograph by Dr. Kenneth Lieberthal, a PDF of 81 pages, is just out (September 2009) from the China Center of the Brookings Institute.  In its area of specific focus, getting analysis right, it is a solid B+, short of an A because it continues the unilateralist mind-set that eschews both full engagement with the …