Event: 4-5 April Extra-Judicial State Control Over Non-State Nuclear Proliferation

Cooperation to Control Non-State Nuclear Proliferation: Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction and UN Resolutions 1540 and 1373 This workshop will explore theoretical options and practical pathways to extend states’ control over non-state actor nuclear proliferation through the use of extra-territorial jurisdiction and international legal cooperation. UNSC Resolution 1373 and the raft of counter-terrorism treaties related to non-state based …

Bin Laden Show 25: Presidential Study Directive 11 of August 2010 and the Package Deal on Arab Spring, Muslim Brotherhood, Afghanistan, and Pakistan

Read P. 8; Arab Spring and death UBL are part of a masterplan to get a powersharing accord with the Muslim Brotherhood. All is based on Presidential Study Directive 11 of August 2010. Phi Beta Iota: August 2010 is also when the “Strategic Narrative” out of the office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs …

Bin Laden Show 21: Translation of Statement

Following is a translation of a statement attributed to the Qaida’t al-Jihad Organization-General Command.  It’s actual provenance cannot be confirmed. You Lived a Compassionate and You Died a Martyr Statement Regarding the Defiant Battle and the Martyrdom of Sheikh Usama bin Laden-may Allah have mercy on him In the name of Allah the Most Merciful …

References on Intelligence Analysis

Intelligence Analysis: Behavioral and Social Scientific Foundations National Research Council, 2011 Intelligence Analysis for Tomorrow: Advances from the Behavioral and Social Sciences National Research Council, 2011 Phi Beta Iota: There is nothing in either of these that Jack Davis, Stephen Andriole, Andy Shepard, and a whole lot of others do not already know.  Going through …