Robert Steele: The Craft of Intelligence – OLD vs. NEW

UPDATED 18 January 2014 Intelligence Chief Describes Complex Challenges. America and the world are facing the most complex set of challenges in at least 50 years, the director of national intelligence told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence here today. James R. Clapper Jr. said capabilities, technologies, know-how, communications and environmental forces “aren’t confined by …

Thomas Barnett: Slouching Toward Big War with Big Lies

The New Rules: Slouching Toward Great-Power War Thomas P.M. Barnett World Politics Review, 06 Feb 2012 EXTRACTS: However, a case can be made that in recent years, the greatest threat to this enduring component of global stability arises from within the United States itself — namely, a national security establishment intent on pressing the boundaries …

DefDog: Anonymous Intercepts FBI – Scotland Yard Conference Call On — Wait for It — Hacking… + Meta-RECAP

Example of the state of USGOV systems…. Anonymous gain access to FBI and Scotland Yard hacking call BBC news, 3 February 2012 Hacking network Anonymous has released a recording of a conference call between the FBI and UK police in which they discuss efforts against hacking. The call, said to have taken place last month, …

Koko: Scary science, national security, and open-source research

Koko Sign: Transparency good. Scary science, national security, and open-source research Maggie Koerth-Baker BoingBoing, 13 January 2012 I’ve been following the story about the scientists who have been working to figure out how H5N1 bird flu might become transmissible from human to human, the controversial research they used to study that question, and the federal …

DefDog: STRATFOR Bites on Security

No. It’s THE code breaker. No more secrets… Sneakers Victims in hacking of security analyst Stratfor targeted after speaking to news media, online Associated Press, 27 December 2011 EXTRACT: The loose-knit hacking movement “Anonymous” claimed Sunday through Twitter that it had stolen thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to the company’s …

Marcus Aurelius: Hackers to Attack Feds Over Manning?

Feds involved in Manning prosecution enter hackers’ crosshairs By Aliya Sternstein NextGov, 12/20/2011 A government-hired forensics specialist and an Army investigating officer could face online backlash from WikiLeaks supporters who are unhappy with this week’s prosecution of a U.S. soldier accused of releasing confidential government files to the anti-secrets website, a computer engineer affiliated with …