Sharyl Attkisson on Media Manipulation – Includes Excellent Slam on Wikipedia, An Absolutely Corrupt Enterprise Wholly-Owned by Special Interests

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman “Atroturf media manipulation more important than lobbying” to special interests seeking to achieve their goals. Those who disagree are “controversialized” (and often called “conspiracy-theorists,” a term invented by the CIA to marginalize activists in the 1960s. Wikipedia is a particularly pernicious source of mis-information in favor …

Stephen E. Arnold: Social Media Fakery

Misinformation and Truth: An Issue in Play Navigate to “Italian Newspaper Creates Fake Restaurant to Prove TripAdvisor Sucks.” The story tells the story of a real journalistic operation which created a non existent restaurant. Then the real journalists contributed reviews of the vaporous eatery. TripAdvisor’s algorithms sucked in the content and, according to the write …

Owl: Favors Alternative Media, Bans Corporate and Government Propaganda

Health Ranger launches world’s first search engine that favors New Media while banning corporate and government propaganda: The official beta launch announcement is here! The world’s first privacy-protecting search engine that bans corporate propaganda and government disinformation is now ready for webmasters to submit their sites for indexing. The name of the new search …

Berto Jongman: 57% Value Alternative Media — But We Are Still Manufacturing Consent — and Alternative Media Including Facebook is Retarded…

US Citizens Fed Up With Mainstream Media Lies About Iraq, Iran People in the United States are fed up with mainstream media coverage of events in Iraq and Iran, CODEPINK activist organization national coordinator Alli McCracken, told Sputnik on Tuesday. MOSCOW (Sputnik), Alexander Mosesov — McCracken’s comments come following the release of an ICM Research poll conducted exclusively …

Sepp Hasslberger: Wikipedia & Media Corruption Censoring News of Class Action Lawsuit Against Monsanto

Lawsuit (class action) filed in California against Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup! Spread the word, the media is refusing to report… Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Monsanto. Media Silent Efforts to publicize this lawsuit against Monsanto for false advertising with Roundup,  filed in Los Angeles County Court on April 20, 2015, have been rejected by the LA …

Chuck Spinney: Trevor Timm on Media, Hersh, & Bin Laden PLUS Phi Beta Iota: Did Patsy — and SEALS — Die to Re-Elect Obama?

Madison’s Farce In Action: The media’s disgraceful reaction to Seymour Hersh’s bin Laden Report EXTRACT In an ideal world, Hersh’s report would trigger more investigative journalism.  Yet despite its obvious importance, as Trevor Timm explains below in the Columbia Journalism Review, the mainstream media’s reaction to the Hersh report has not been to dig deeper, …