John Steiner: Fukushima Update — Worse, Uglier, Worry More…. + Fukushima & US Nuclear RECAP

Subject: Fukushima update Dear Friends, Bad news continues to pour out of Fukushima-Daiichi.  The first article below discusses the impact of F-D radiation on Canadian flora and fauna.  The second details the involvement of the Japanese Mafia, the Yakuza, in the containment/cleanup process.  The third describes TEPCO’s mounting financial losses, as they struggle to …

Mini-Me: US Air Force Unconstitutional? Justice Scalia Leads Majority Opinion — Could the Department of Homeland Security Also Be Unconstitutional? Plus ANON 1 Comment

Huh? In Stunning 5-4 Decision, Supreme Court Declares Air Force Unconstitutional WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court, in a shocking decision, declared the U.S. Air Force unconstitutional earlier today. EXTRACT: After receiving briefs and hearing oral arguments, the Court retired for deliberations. After three months, the Justices announced their decision. The Air Force cannot constitutionally …

John Maguire: YouTube (15:09) Wireless Scalar Wave Demonstration — and Potential Chinese Harvesting Method – NSA is HOSED

Tesla technologies can revolutionize communications as we know them today. here is demonstrated one example where it outperforms standard electro-magnetic or transverse wave propagation. A German Electrical Engineer operating under the pseudonym TheOldScientist demonstrates the existence of Longitudinal/Scalar Waves. Classical Electromagnetic-Waves are Transverse and can be shielded through the use of a Faraday Cage. L/S Waves on the …

Review (Guest): Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species

Paul Hellyer 5.0 out of 5 stars Beams of Light from a Well-Respected Statesman September 18, 2010 By Gerald MacLennon Unlike our Asian counterparts, the West often fails to accord our wise elders the honor they deserve – the status they have earned by devoting their lives to love of, and service to humankind. Paul …

SchwartzReport: Could New York Run On Renewable Energy Alone?

Could New York Run On Renewable Energy Alone? MARK FISCHETTI – Salon/Scientific American An important interview with Mark Jacobson, one of the most original thinkers in energy transition. It is well worth your time. I consider what is being described here as extremely good news. Finally a discussion is emerging about what would really be …

SmartPlanet: How thorium can burn nuclear waste and generate energy

How thorium can burn nuclear waste and generate energy There’s a growing movement to make nuclear power safer, more efficient and less weapons-prone by replacing today’s uranium fuel with another element, thorium. And within the thorium push, there are different technological ideas for how to deploy. One camp says that the best way to optimize …