Stephen E. Arnold: Does Amazon Have ALL Facebook User Data?

Short Honk: Does Amazon Have Facebook Data? I read “Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends.” The write up mentions Amazon as a company given “access to vast amounts of its users’ personal information.” So the answer appears to be “Yes.” I assume that the NYT report is “real” news. …

Stephen E. Arnold: 5,000 Facebook Fake News Identities for Sale…

Fake News May Be a Forever Feature According to the story: For $13, a Buzzfeed reporter was able to buy the longstanding Facebook profile of a fake 23 year old British woman living in London with 921 friends and a deep, plausible dossier of activities, likes and messages. The reporter’s contact said they could supply …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Loves DoD Dollars

Why Is Amazon Chasing DoD Work? Next week I will describe some of our findings from what has been our Amazon “policeware” research. On June 5, 2018, I will post a video snippet from my presentation and issue a short article in this blog. Other Arnold Posts on Amazon Below the Fold

Stephen E. Arnold: Law Enforcement Demanding Mobile Data for All Person’s Anywhere Near a Crime Scene But Lacking in Big Data Tools To Process

Law Enforcement and Big Data The job of being an officer of the law has never been harder, but many on the tech side are trying to make it easier. But, as with most innovations, this might make life harder. Confused? Join the club. A recent spate of big data law enforcement innovations are due …