Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon’s Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) — The Ultimate Censorable, Manipulable Walled Garden, a World Brain Of, By, and For the Zionists?

Amazon: Why Support Blockchain? To Chase IBM? Wrong. In June 2018, I will describe Amazon’s lynch pin approach to intelligence analysis. The “play” has been ignored or overlooked by those who monitor the next generation information access market. At the Telestrategies ISS conference, I will report the DarkCyber and Beyond Search analysts’ assessment of this …

Stephen E. Arnold: The China Advantage – Engineers in Mass

Is Chinese Smart Software Different from US and UK AI? I read “China Now Has the Most Valuable AI Startup in the World.” That’s one difference: Valuation. According to the Bloomberg news report: Read full post. Is there a third difference? Based on the information dribbling in via my open source news stream, yes, there …

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Bottlenecks — Still There, Getting Worse

Speeding Up Search: The Challenge of Multiple Bottlenecks I read “Search at Scale Shows ~30,000X Speed Up.” I have been down this asphalt road before, many times in fact. The problem with search and retrieval is that numerous bottlenecks exist; for example, dealing with exceptions (content which the content processing system cannot manipulate). I wish …

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Fails Discrimination Test

Facebook Fails Discrimination Test While racism and discrimination still plague society, the average person does not participate in it.  The Internet exacerbates hatred to the point that people believe it is more powerful today than it was in the past.  Social media Web sites do their best to prevent these topics from spreading by using …

Penguin: Blockchain-Based Internet Computer Buries Amazon and Google (10% of their energy, time, and cost) — Autonomous Internet? Not Quite But a Good Start

Blockchain-Based ‘Internet Computer’ Gets $61M from Andreessen Horowitz and Polychain Top Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and Polychain Capital, a cryptocurrency hedge fund, have invested $61 million in Dfinity Foundation, a firm that intends to connect multiple computers together using blockchain to build an “Internet” computer. When the network was tested last year, …

Stephen E. Arnold: CIA Seeks Universal Text Translator [Robert Steele: CIA Remains Stupid, Has Not Learned a Damn Thing Since 1986]

Universal Text Translation Is the Next Milestone for AI As the globe gets smaller, individuals are in more contact with people who don’t speak their language. Or, we are reading information written in a foreign language. Programs like Google Translate are flawed at best and it is clear this is a niche waiting to be …