Robert Steele: General Vincent Stewart Has Destroyed the National Intelligence University by Appointing Another Mediocrity — Dr. J. Scott Cameron — the “Fix” Was In…

I am dismayed by the cavalier “selection” of Dr. J. Scott Cameron to be the new president of the National Intelligence University. This is not an individual who knows anything about the craft of intelligence at all four levels of operations and analysis, nor is this an individual who has demonstrated integrity or innovation in …

ANSWERS by Robert Steele for Joseph Cotto, San Francisco Review of Books

The San Francisco Review of Books is about to start posting some of Robert Steele’s 2000+ non-fiction reviews for Amazon (all available free online in both lists and by each of 98 categories at Phi Beta Iota / Reviews).  Here are some answers he offered to our questions in five short postings: As Published: 01 …