Robert Steele: Plans for Displacement of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2

UPDATE 1: Our lead engineer explorer comments. Please note that Thin Thread from Pretty Good Knowledge will be the backbone of our global search and sense-making engine. The malicious digital assassination of Gab has energized funders and plans are advancing for a calculated integral displacement of the entire #GoogleGestapo ecology that should be — but …

Penguin: Open Source Model for Education (Robert Steele: Education, Intelligence, & Research Need to be Managed Togerther

Open Source as a Model for Global Education Matthew Rascoff & Noah Pinkus Both competition and transfer are equally insufficient as frameworks for the global education strategy we need for our complex, interconnected world. This autumn, 268 undergraduate students from 27 nations on six continents are pioneering a new “open-source” model as they begin their …

Berto Jongman: Peter van Buren on Google as Fascist Censor #GoogleGestapo

Google Wants to Be Your Media Mommy The company suggest it may have to protect us from the bad things that elected Trump and speech that makes us feel unsafe. Google might soon add its terms of service to the First Amendment. A leaked document from the tech giant argues that because of a variety of …

Scott Bennett: America’s Political Twilight Zone — Desperate False Flags — Author Fears Assassination of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez UPDATE 1: Nancy Pelosi Hates Her…Risk Remains

AMERICA’S POLITICAL TWILIGHT ZONE Scott Bennett Former U.S. Army PSYOP Officer-State Counterterrorism Contractor The recent alleged incidents of the Khashoggi murder, the migrant-refugee invading “caravan” from Central America, the pipe-bomb mailings to leftist-democrat figures, and the Jewish synagogue shooting must be viewed as parts of a larger whole to discern both the direction and momentum …

Berto Jongman: Water Wars (Comment by Robert Steele on Open Source Water)

Where will the ‘water wars’ of the future be fought? A new paper paints a disturbing picture of a nearby future where people are fighting over access to water. These post-apocalyptic-sounding “water wars” could rise as a result of climate change and population growth and could become real soon enough if we don’t take steps …

“Jimmy Boots” Rothstein (Not Jewish) with Sarah Westall: Decorated NYPD Detective Lays Out How the 1% Use Blackmail to Control Everyone

 Part 1: Detective “Jimmy Boots” Rothstein joins the program to discuss his years as a detective in the NYPD. Detective Rothstein was given unprecedented free reign and an unlimited budget to figure out how the child and prostitution trafficking networks work in the United States and across the world. His work led directly to …