Wayne Jett: Transcript of Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Watermarks and Massive Election Fraud Discovery

As provided by Wayne Jett. DR STEVE PIECZENIK STATEMENT 11 5 20 This is really a sting operation. Contrary to what everybody else said, Trump knew this was happening, Eric knew this was happening and warned the public. I knew this was happening. However, I did not say anything about it. What happened was we …

George Webb: DNC Gladio C Burning & Violence Plan — Transcript of Banned Video That Connects DNC, Mossad, Antifa

VIDEO BANNED BY YOUTUBE Who’s Hand Is Behind the Antifa Coup? Same Hand as 4 Years Ago ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net, Alexandra Bruce George Webb does a little victory lap in this short video, in which he reminds us that he was on the trail of this coup 3 years ago, following an encrypted Blackberry communications network of …

Worth a Look: Zionism vs. the West – How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture

A person can be brought into bondage in two different ways: by force or by his own will. Force is a crude way of bringing a person into submission, but using the persons own free will can be done sophistically and covertly. Under the banner of democracy and freedom, America has been under the bondage …