Answers on OSINT for India 12 – RAND on Passive Online

Sir, I find this document useful to furthering our discussion. RAND: Defining Second Generation Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for the Defense Enterprise Colleague, The document is beneath contempt. It is an unprofessional attempt to play to the wrongful definition of OSINT as passive online monitoring.

Robert Steele: Is Sidney Powell Going to Be In Charge of Treason Tribunals?

I have no direct knowledge  and Sidney has not confirmed this by email. Her website is over-whelmed by people all over the world, not just in the USA, trying to donate.  Don”t give up, please do donate: Here are three mind-boggling sources — not confirmed by Sidney or anyone else — that suggest she …

Answers on OSINT for India 2 – OSINT & Technical vs. OSINT & Analytical

Sir, I have noticed one particular characteristic of OSINT which is that any OSINT process involves two actions, namely, intelligence collection and then intelligence analysis. I have observed that OSINT collection process is technical and requires thorough understanding of different technologies, softwares and methodologies while intelligence analysis depends more upon the analyst’s judgment. This brings …

Review: Surprise, Ill, Vanish – The Secret History of CIA Paramilitary Armies, Operators, and Assassins

3 Star Not Worth Reading In the past I might have given this book 4 stars despite its flaws, but my standards have  gone up (I demand holistic analytics and true cost economics now for 5 stars) and the author makes too many mistakes in areas where I have superior knowledge. Also new is the …

Robert Steele: Reflections on Taking Down #GoogleGestapo (aka BigTech or FAANG) and MSM

A core aspect of showing foreign control is discovery that maps exactly who introduced the term hate speech, who suggested modifications to corporate terms of reference that now “allow” deflatforming, and who was put in as “trusted flaggers.” At the end of the day you will find that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Zionist …