Tom Atlee: Occupy Adopts Open Everything Meme

Occupy Rio+20 Publishes Open Source Imperative The following statement will be presented by the Earth Summit WG to the United Nations as a participating group in the Rio+20 conference in Brasil. The Open Source Imperative Hello World, We Who Occupy The Earth thank the UN for supporting civil society through granting us “interested party” status …

The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 4 Philosophical Concepts Extract II

The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 4 Philosophical Concepts Extract II The sharing of truth in the form of widely available information creates a foundation for cost-effective transparent decisions that are inherently anti-corrupt in nature. . . . . . . . . Where the philosophy gets interesting, even challenging, is when it confronts the …

Robert Steele: Beyond the Internet of Things Lies the Internet of Open Costs and Open Source Everything — the Panarchic Internet

I’ve known Dr. Vint Cerf since 1992, and it is with enormous regard for him personally — and the culture of sharing and shared decision-making that he and other Internet pioneers fostered — that I take note of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) and the fact that it now makes possible the Internet of Things. …

Review (Guest): Ralph Peters on The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust

Robert David Steele Brave, provocative and valuable June 6, 2012 By Ralph H. Peters Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase Read this compact book in an evening–and think about it for a year. Robert Steele long as been one of our most interesting and challenging thinkers (although his writing is clear–a reflection of clear thought), and this book …

Review: The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust

Robert David Steele 5.0 out of 5 stars End Result of Quarter Century Walk-About,June 5, 2012 Updated 27 June: Why on earth is this book in top 100 for Espionage? I can only speculate that because I am a former spy, trained over 7,500 intelligence professionals, and have been an arch critic of secret intelligence …

The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 2 Open-Source Everything Extract II

Chapter 2 Open-Source Everything Extract II OpenBTS is t he open-source software/hardware combination that replicates cellular phone services using open spectrum, enabling free and very low-cost communications.  Combined with mesh networks and other means of disconnecting from the government/telecommunications monopoly of the grid, OpenBTS is the foundation “liberation technology” and is central to the release …

The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 1 Open Sesame Extract II

Chapter 1 Open Sesame Extract II Panarchy is an ideal condition in which every individual would be connected to all relevant information and able to participate in every decision of interest to them, from local to global.  Panarchy thus represents direct democracy within a nonhierarchical, open-source context.  In the ideal state of panarchy, every citizen …