John Remington Graham: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—Litigation Against Alex Jones on Sandy Hook is Abuse of Process

John Remington Graham: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—Litigation Against Alex Jones on Sandy Hook is Abuse of Process Mr. President, The litigation against Alex Jones in state courts of Connecticut is plainly an abuse of process, impossible to institute and press in an uncorrupt and honest manner, and designed to intimidate any and all journalists who dare …

Judy Wood by Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Twin Towers Were Vaporized by Directed Energy Weapons

9/11 Twin Towers Were Vaporized by Directed Energy Weapons 15 July 2018 Mr. President, The twin towers appear to have been destroyed by directed energy weapons. This is one of two possible explanations for the “vaporization” of most of the two towers which did not leave the standard 12% in building debris height as was …

Martin Armstrong: Judge Brett Kavanaugh — Bushie, Anti-Citizen, Anti-Constitution

The Disturbing Reasoning of Judge Brett Kavanaugh QUESTION: What is your opinion of Trump’s Supreme Court pick? MG ANSWER: The main decision that I believe allows us to pierce the veil of judicial reasoning is Susan SEVEN-SKY v. Eric H. HOLDER, 661 F.3d 1 (2011). In this decision, Judge Brett Kavanaugh did not join Silberman’s opinion. Instead, he wrote a sixty-five-page …

Review: The Great Revolt – Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics

Salena Zito and Brad Todd 5 Star Insights Into How and Why Trump Won — Complements Our Towns The authors combine experience as a national political analyst for reputable media organizations with national-scope Republican advertising and opinion research. The book offers deep insights into how and why Donald Trump captured so many “Reagan Democrats” at …

Norie Huddle: Obama Weaponized IRS, FEC, FBI, DoJ Against Conservatives

Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s [Minority] Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting “The Obama IRS scandal is bipartisan – McCain and Democrats who wanted to regulate political speech lost at the Supreme Court, so they sought to use the IRS to harass innocent Americans,” said Judicial Watch President …