Ed Jewett: Military arrests and trials in the future?

Trump Planning Martial Law for War Against Deep State [???] “… the evidence for President Trump’s plan to issue mass arrests of deep state traitors, then try them for treason under military tribunals. This is justified and lawful because the acts being committed against the United States of America by deep state traitors are acts …

Penguin: Has Oracle of Oracle Lost His Mojo?

Oracle’s Autonomous Database Cloud is a Huge Technological Advantage vs. Investors Are Losing Patience With Oracle’s Opaque Cloud Growth ROBERT STEELE:  ORACLE has enough cash flow to beat Amazon (which at this time is poised to destroy IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft as well as Google and others). ORACLE appears to lack  the imagination and incentive …

Robert Steele: The FBI [and CIA and NSA and DoJ] Must Be Torn Down, Root and Branch, and Reconstituted

We Need To Know If Intelligence Agencies Covered Up The 1996 Crash Of TWA 800 William F. Marshall, Judicial Watch The political and investigative similarities between the TWA 800 and Hillary Clinton server cases, as well as the anti-Trump investigation, are eerie and deeply disturbing. The FBI must be torn out, root and branch, and …

Michael Moore: My Movie Tanked — I Blame Brett Kavanaugh

Nolte: Michael Moore’s ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Tanks at Box Office (I Blame Jake Tapper) What used to be Moore’s unique approach to left-wing propaganda, is now everywhere — on YouTube, cable news, and all over the pages of the Washington Post and the New York Times. Phi Beta Iota:  Neither the movie, nor the Mainstream Media …