The Steele Report

The Steele Report consists of a text report each Monday with links and graphics, generally 2,500 words; and an interactive video each Saturday in which 25-35 questions submitted by subscribers are answered in the first 60 minutes, and then there is an impromptu conversation for another 30 minutes. The Steele Report is conceptualized as a …

Steven Aftergood: US Army Deeply Vulnerable to Armed UAVs Comment by Robert Steele

ARMY EXPLORES COUNTER-DRONE TECHNIQUES Having developed and utilized unmanned aerial systems (UAS, or drones) for surveillance, targeting and attack, the US military now finds itself in the position of having to defend against the same technology. The US Army last week issued a new manual on Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System Techniques (ATP 3-01.81, April 13, 2017). …

Norie Huddle: Martin Armstrong on Syria, the Pipeline, the Truth the Fake News Media Will Not Cover….

Syria – Pipeline – How The Press Will Not Tell the Truth about Syria Martin Armstrong It looks like Trump is falling prey to being set up to think this is really about chemical weapons and saving people. Sorry – that was all BS. The evidence came out that it was the rebels supported by …

Antechinus: White Helmets are a False Flag Covert Group

White Helmets Movie: Updated Evidence From Swedish Doctors Confirm Fake ‘Lifesaving’ and Malpractices on Children Updated findings obtained in examination of videos published by the White Helmets, and which aimed to represent consequences of an alleged gas attack in Sarmine in March 2015. The videos depict a medical rescuing scenario focused on ‘lifesaving’ procedures on …