7 April 2017
Subject: Re-Asserting Your Command – Eight Decisions for Monday
1. Background. The system is rigged and you were not supposed to win. You need to unrig the system if you are to survive and be effective. Syria, right now, is your Bay of Pigs moment. Both the leaders of the US secret intelligence community and the US banking community are lying to you.
2. Action This Day. I humbly offer the following eight decisions for your consideration.
2.1. Flush the White House. Keep the New Yorkers you brought with you, flush everyone else and particularly Preibus, Bannon, and McMaster. Replace Preibus with David Stockman or someone of that stature. Abolish the National Security Council and replace it with a small Office of National Strategy (ONS) that is your personal brainstorming and monitoring group able to work closely with the Cabinet, the Office of Management and Budget, and Congressional jurisdictions.
2.2. Re-Take Office of Presidential Personnel (OPP). Fire the Preibus plants, revisit every proposed nomination, and create the Presidential Academy I suggested to William Haggerty, who ignored me.
2.3. Create the Trump Channel. Brad Parscale is a failure – he does not know what he does not know. Bring in Gregg Phillips (AutoGov) and Rick Davis (PollMole) and myself, and let us show you what you can do with modern technology that cannot be manipulated by Eric Schmidt and #GoogleGestapo. One Trump-et (instead of Twitter) and we deliver 150 million citizen answers to a single screen. Use Syria as the first poll – let us surprise you with the common sense and support your public can provide you.
2.4. Create the Debt Be-Gone Website. If you can get 150 million citizens who are in debt (student debt, family credit card debt, elderly medical debt, small business debt) to individually name you their agent for the re-negotiation of all that debt, you will have a three-trillion dollar bat to use on Wall Street.
2.5. Organize an Electoral Reform Summit, hashtag #UNRIG. Reach out to the entire spectrum starting with the six accredited parties blocked from power by the two-party tyranny (Constitution, Green, Libertarian, Natural Law, Reform, Socialist) and add the Independents, Working Families, Justice, and others. Make electoral reform the national topic of conversation, instead of Syria. You can barnstorm the country with a transpartisan team and connect with 100% of the voting public.
2.6. Restructure the Intelligence Community. You have a Truman-MacArthur moment looming. Nothing would floor the left so much as your announcing the termination of NSA, which has no legislative charter. You can also close ODNI, NRO, and NGA – CIA should have all its overseas operations suspended, be cut in half, and then built back up with the integration of the 30% worth saving from the terminated agencies. A new Open Source Agency (OSA) will provide 96% of what you need to know with the added advantage that its products can be shared with Congress, the public, and the media.
2.7. Talk to Karl Denninger About Health Reform. The health care alternative to ObamaCare was dishonest because it refused to focus on the real issues: price, standardization, outcomes, and more. The legalization of marijuana (and hemp oil) should be included – that will rock the left in a good way.
2.8. Talk to Edgar Feige About Tax Reform. You have nine Goldman Sachs folks committed to ensuring that you do not tax Wall Street. The way is open for the elimination of the IRS and the elimination of the national debt, through an Automated Payment Transaction Tax.
3. Deep State or Trump State? You are losing to the Deep State because you keep trying to play their game by their rules rather than transforming the entire system with what you alone can do: the mobilization of the public against the Deep State. We can unrig the system. Please hear us out on this. v/r St.
Selected Audio-Visual Interviews
Robert Steele with Hans Eirik Olav, “The Deep State – an Interview with Robert David Steele,” Ny Tid /Modern Times (YouTube, 1:15:59), April 3, 2017.
Robert Steele, Extract, “URGENT MESSAGE: Ex-CIA Robert Steele RT Montage on How Donald Trump Can Defeat the Deep State,” Victurus Libertas (YouTube, 6:00), April 2, 2017.
Steele, Robert with Geir Olsen, “Robert David Steele in Oslo: Deep State, Electoral Reform, Secret Intelligence, Open Source Everything, and the Nobel Peace Prize,” Comfort Hotel Karl Johan (YouTube, 23:11), March 23, 2017.
Steele, Robert with Fredrik Heffermehl and Enrique Salinas, “Donald Trump, the Deep State, War & Peace, & the Nobel Peace Prize,” International Press Center, Oslo, Norway (YouTube 28:05), March 19, 2017.
Steele, Robert, with Sacha Stone, “Donald Trump versus the Whores of War,” Humanitad Foundation (YouTube, 12: 19), March 13, 2017.
Steele, Robert, with Sean Stone, “The Future of President Trump,” Russia Today (YouTube 8:01), March 9, 2017.
Steele, Robert with Greg Hunter, “Deep State Isolating Trump from We the People,” USAWatchdog.com (YouTube, 30:24), February 21, 2017.
Steele Robert, with Editors, “Trump’s Path to Greatness, Pedophilia, and More…,” Victurus Libertas (YouTube 42:49), February 19, 2017.
Steele, Robert, with Tara McCarthy, “Robert David Steele, The One Thing Trump MUST Do,” Reality Calls (YouTube 56:35), February 13, 2017.
Steele, Robert, with Joseph Hagmann (YouTube, 50:17), “Former CIA Case Officer Robert David Steele – A Message to Donald Trump on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report,” February 7, 2017.
Selective Prior Publications
Amazon Kindle Trump Revolution Series (also free online, search for individual title)
Steele, Robert. “Fixing Intel II,” Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, January 21, 2017.
Steele, Robert. “Fixing Intelligence II: Seven Precepts (A Latino View),” Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, December 21, 2016.
2015 in CounterPunch: Counter-Coup: How Trump Can Win