The Steele Report Grades & Topics Today

Robert Grades UK/Israel Green, Campaign, White House, Society Yellow, and Message, Economy Orange. He covers the following  topics today: Electoral College, DNI Foreign Interference Report, Joe Biden Indictment . . . The Emerging Battle Over the Truth – BigTech Liars vs. Populist Truthers Cyber-Integrity – Is Bad Code the Horseshoe Nail that Costs Us Everything? …

Sarah Chamberlain: Open Letter from an American Coward

Open Letter from an American Coward My enemies are in a word, communists. Modern communists do not usually call themselves such. They do not talk about workers rising up and seizing the Means of Production.  Instead, modern communists adopt a rhetorical stance where they assume that all people and all property are ALREADY COLLECTIVIZED, then …

Mongoose: China’s Penetration of US Academia — Serious But Far Behind UK and Israel — Comment and RDS 1975 Paper on PRC Influence Network

Alert Reader writes in: The CCP program to infiltrate American academia to steal U.S. tax payer funded research results is the Thousand Talents Program. It aims, under the cover of an “intellectual exchange program,” to steal , U.S. taxpayer funded research, and intellectual property from U.S. universities funded by the DOD, NIH, NSF, and other …

Byron York: Without a Senator, Democrats Failed to Block Trump in 2016 Congress — Does Trump Have One Senator Ready to Go?

WHEN DEMOCRATS TRIED TO BLOCK THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. The Electoral College voted on Monday to elect Joe Biden president. That is done. But there is one more step in the process. On January 6, Congress will officially ratify the Electoral College vote and declare Biden the president-elect. But now, there is talk that some House …