Ray McGovern: Russia, Syria, & US-Israel UPDATE

The Hope Behind Putin’s Syria Help The risk here, however, is that the American neocons and liberal interventionists remain drunk on their dreams of a permanent U.S. global hegemony that doesn’t broach any rivalry from Russia, China or any other potential challenger to America’s “full-spectrum dominance.” If these war hawks don’t sober up – and …

Neal Rauhauser: Russian Information Operations The Menace of Unreality – How the Kremlin Weaponizes Information, Culture and Money

The Menace of Unreality: How the Kremlim Weaponizes Information, Culture and Money covers the Kremlin’s methods and motives as they spread the influence modern Russia, rightly called a mafia state. The concept of “Operations Psychological”, as defined by Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, plays a prominent role …

Berto Jongman: Russian Nonlinear War (“Gerasimov Doctrine”) — While US in Stuck in One Size Fits All Big War

Grading Gerasimov: Evaluating Russian Nonlinear War Through Modern Chinese Doctrine Victor R. Morris in Small Wars Journal, 17 September 2015 Unrestricted war is a war that surpasses all boundaries and restrictions. It takes nonmilitary forms and military forms and creates a war on many fronts. It is the war of the future. -Colonel Qiao Liang …

Berto Jongman: Russian Oil Rules — Saudis Begging for Deal, China Market Central

Confirmed: Saudi Arabia Offered Russia Oil Alliance and OPEC Membership Saudis proposed Saudi Arabia and Russia divide the oil market between them. For now Russians stayed cool Igor Sechin, the powerful head of Rosneft, Russia’s big state oil company, has now confirmed that OPEC – the Saudi dominated oil producers’ cartel – has offered Russia membership.   …

Mongoose: US Media Calculated Fraudulent Campaign Against Putin and Russia

Swedish Analyst – The Smear Campaign against Putin and the true US Agenda – Part 1 While the Russian opinion polls in support of President Putin now has reached a record level of 89% he is simultaneously target of a very dirty smear campaign in the West. Putin, we are told, is a power-hungry dictator …