John Maguire: Joe Bageant, Duck Dynasty, and the American Hologram

Joe Bageant, Duck Dynasty, and the American Hologram It’s been almost three years since Joe Bageant, one of America’s most unique, populist political voices, passed away rather suddenly from cancer. During his life he kept company with American folk heroes such as Hunter S. Thompson, Timothy Leary, and Alan Ginsberg, bartended on the same Indian reservation …

4th Media: US-Based Cuban Extremists Inciting Civil War and Assassination in Venezuela

US Agents Incite Civil War in Venezuela Leopoldo López, the leader of radical opposition Popular Will (El Movimiento Voluntad Popular), has taken a decision to hand himself over to government forces. What has made him do so? Upon getting the news the arrest warrant was issued, he went in hiding, then tried to escape abroad. …

Jean Lievens: 10 Digital Social Innovators to Watch

Ten digital social innovators to watch Many innovations tackling societal problems have developed online. Jon Kingsbury and Peter Baeck highlight rising stars What is digital social innovation? The internet is playing an ever-increasing role in how we work, play and relate to each other. As a natural result of this, many of the most exciting …