Reflections: how can the intelligence community remain relevant in the 21st century

Reflections: Seven Steps to US Intelligence Reform I was quite surprised to see multiple searches using the same language. It is an important question that I have been asking — and answering — since 1988 when I helped create the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (today a mini-me of the larger mis-directed secret intelligence world). My …

Berto Jongman: Industrial Toxins — and Wireless — Frying the Human Brain

Two stories, same victim — humans. Six Neurotoxic Industrial Chemicals Linked to Rise In Brain Disorders “…children worldwide are being exposed to unrecognised toxic chemicals that are silently eroding intelligence, disrupting behaviours, truncating future achievements, and damaging societies…” Read full article. INVISIBLE THREAT: Wireless Radiation Linked to Cancer and other Illness The longtime president of …

Berto Jongman: Mind Control in the 21st Century – Overview of the State of the Art and Future Prospects

Mind Control in the 21st Century-Science Fiction & Beyond Pravda, 05.02.2014  By Steven DiBasio ***Part One*** Conspiracy Theory? “Mind control” is a topic commonly perceived as “conspiracy theory” or “X-Files” fare. That is, it is seen as possibly not “real,” and certainly not something about which one should be “overly” concerned. This attitude at least …

Jon Rappoport: Monsanto’s Round-Up THE Most Toxic — and False Testing by US Government…

Monsanto’s Roundup: new deadly scam exposed Roundup is the Monsanto herbicide that is touted as the cornerstone of GMO food crops. Monsanto claims these crops are genetically engineered to withstand heavy spraying of Roundup. Therefore, the crops live and the weeds die. Breakthrough. There are several key lies associated with these claims—but a new one …

Reflections on Intelligence Reform

SHORT URL: Security sector reform and advancement begins in the mind.  In the 21st Century, raw information and tailored intelligence (decision support) are fundamental to progress at the strategic, operational, tactical, and technical levels. If we are to properly address intelligence governance from a comparative and international perspective rooted in an appreciation for the …

Jon Rappoport: Monsanto Dishonesty & Rat Tumors from GMO Food

Truth about the Seralini rat-tumor-GMO study explodes Remember a researcher named Gilles-Eric Seralini, his 2012 GMO study, and the controversy that swirled around it? He fed rats GMOs, in the form of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready corn, and they developed tumors. Some died. The study was published in the journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology. Pictures of …