Gordon Duff: Mind Control, Lef-Right Myth, Re-Connecting to Reality + Meta-RECAP

Mind Control and the “Left – Right” Paradigm Veterans Today, 4 Sep 2012 EXTRACT: Anyone with a realistic view would, as I have suggested before, vote in a powerful and charismatic leader, have the Supreme Court disbanded, disband congress, have a realistic constitution written, disband the Federal Reserve, fire 85% of our senior military, 50% …

Mini-Me: Asian Deep Wealth versus US/EU Illuminati/Nazis

Huh? Benjamin Fulford Update 8-21-12…”Cabal Control Is Disintegrating At An Accelerating Pace On Multiple Fronts” Highlights …the IMF is now officially calling for an Iceland style solution (bust the banks and arrest corrupt bankers and politicians who accepted their bribes). Now the most brainwashed people in the West are failing to explain the contradictions of their …

Mini-Me: The Screwed Election: Wall Street Can’t Lose, America Can’t Win

Huh? The Screwed Election: Wall Street Can’t Lose, and America Can’t Win Joel Kotkin The Daily Beast, 10 August 2012 Everyone hates the big banks—except the two candidates running for president. Joel Kotkin on the bipartisan triumph of crony capitalism. About two in three Americans do not think what’s good for Wall Street is good …

Former Comptroller General David Walker, Wall Street Trojan Horse, Rides Again – The Bus Tour to Distract the Public From Electoral Reform

UPDATED 8 August 2012 with comments from Common Cause, others. Buyer Beware – A New York Shill Takes to the Highway The Hon. David M. Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, today announced a first-of-its-kind national bus tour to engage Americans about our nation’s deteriorating financial condition ­ and show them what they can do to …

Mini-Me: NCAA fines Penn State $60M, vacates wins from 1998-2011

Huh? NCAA fines Penn State $60M, vacates wins from 1998-2011 STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — The NCAA crippled Penn State football for years to come and practically tore Joe Paterno’s name out of the record books Monday, erasing 14 years of victories and imposing an unprecedented $60 million fine and other punishment over the child …