Cinderella Broom: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Burying the Undead: Sandy Hook was Truly Stranger Than Fiction

Cinderella Broom: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Burying the Undead: Sandy Hook was Truly Stranger Than Fiction Mr. President: The story we’ve been told about Sandy Hook is so laden with anomalies, contradictions and absurdities that, were it proposed as a screenplay, producers would likely reject it as simply ridiculous. One aspect deserving more …

Norie Huddle: A Stark Warning About Ignorance Fatal to the Planet — Not A Word About True Cost Economics or Honest Science

‘We Are Climbing Rapidly Out of Humankind’s Safe Zone’: New Report Warns Dire Climate Warnings Not Dire Enough In the new report—titled What Lies Beneath: The Understatement of Existential Climate Risk (pdf)—authors David Splatt and Ian Dunlop, researchers with the National Centre for Climate Restoration (Breakthrough), an independent think tank based in Australia, argue that …

ROBERT STEELE: Good News: DreamHost Stands By First Amendment Bad News: #GoogleGestapo Massive Censorship. The Answer: A Trump Truth Channel. Includes Ron Paul Conference & False Flag Truths

I was so concerned by losing its mind (as well as its ethics) that I checked in with DreamHost, my preferred pathway to the Internet. I am pleased to report that I have been assured in the strongest possible terms that DreamHost abides by the 1st Amendment — it will take a court order …

Kelly Watt: In Solidarity with Alex Jones–Nobody Knows Who Cleaned Up the Blood at Sandy Hook–Could It Be There Was No Blood to Clean Up?

Kelley Watt: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Nobody Knows Who Cleaned Up the Blood at Sandy Hook–Could It Be There Was No Blood to Clean Up? Mr. President, For the past 26 years I have owned and operated my own domestic and commercial cleaning service in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As a consequence, I know that, …

Berto Jongman: Laurence Kotlikoff – “Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion in Spending” [On Deep State Projects Including Secret Space and Underground Mind Control Facilities]?

Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion In Spending? This column is co-authored with Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at Michigan State University. In our prior column, Mark and I wrote about $21 trillion in unaccounted government transactions, primarily on defense. The DOD’s (Department of Defense) as well as HUD’s (Department of Housing and Urban …

Andrey Kortunov: China In Africa — Seven Chinese Principles? Plus Six Book Reviews on China in Africa

“Seven Capital Vices” of China in Africa: How Capital Are They Really? The recent tenth BRICS Summit in Johannesburg and the forthcoming China-Africa Cooperation Summit in Beijing bring the Chinese-African relations to the center of political and academic discussions. The Chinese advance in Africa since the turn of the century have been spectacular: from a …