Erik Kleinsmith: Fake News and Data Mining: Mapping Today’s Media for Intel Analysis

Fake News and Data Mining: Mapping Today’s Media for Intel Analysis Whatever your take on the 2016 U.S. presidential election, it is becoming obvious that one of the biggest losers of the campaign was the mainstream media. After generations of relying upon newspapers and network news to tell us what is going on in the …

Robert Steele: Fake News as Treason — An Indictment of CIA, NSA & Everyone Else…Russians Did Not Hack Election, This is a Coup in Progress…

With its latest attempt to de-rail the accidental but never-the-less legitimate election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America, CIA — John Brennan specifically and every senior executive not speaking up now to disown Brennan — has crossed the line into indictable treason. There is every reason now to close down …

Robert Steele: The Cyber Brief (Mike Hayden & Michael Morell) Is Full of Crap — Fake News — Traitors Spinning Lies — While Barack Obama Blows Smoke on “Flying Blind”

One of my contributing editors keeps sending me bits from The Cipher Brief — I have tended to ignore them, but the recent two pieces, one by Mike Hayden and the other by Michael Morell, are such utter crap that I feel compelled to address them. I cannot say this any more clearly. Mike Hayden …

Robert Steele: Is Blaming the Russians a Desperate Attempt to Cover Up US Intelligence Community Routine Spying on US Politicians Including the President?

Completely apart from Deep State – Two-Party Tyranny – Wall Street machinations against Donald Trump, the legitimately elected next President of the United States of America, the current efforts of the US Intelligence Community to blame the Russians for hacking the election are in my view a desperate attempt to distract everyone from the fact …

Yoda: Open Source DIY Drinking Water at 10% Cost of Industrial Era Proprietary Water Filter

Standard savings now, this is. Non-profit creates open-source drinking water filter for 1/10th of the cost Non-profit organization OHorizons recently created an innovative BioSand Filter that can deliver clean water at 1/10th of the cost of traditional methods. The filter hinges upon an open-source Wood Mold that can be easily built by anyone using the …

Robert Steele: Intelligence Lies — Russians Did Not Hack Emails and Russians Did Not Hack Voting Machines — Media is Complicit in Massive Propaganda by Government Against Public UPDATE 1

Julian Assange, William Binney, James Bamford, and I — among many others who actually know what is going on and insist on telling the truth, always — could not be clearer: the Russians did not hack the DNC or Podesta emails and the Russians did not hack the US electronic voting machines. Jim Clapper has …