Jon Rappoporta: Fake Psychiatry = Big Pharma Drug Scam

Exposing psychiatry as a fraud from top to bottom Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, the deployment of psychiatrists to diagnose a person they oppose on political grounds is a tactic—not science. Phi Beta Iota: It’s all a scam to push expensive drugs. All of these drugs do more damage than good.

Dan Schultz: The (Republican) Precinct Project

Worth a look. 50% of the Republican precinct positions are vacant and available for filling by true conservatives.  These are the seats that actually elect the Republican leaders who run for office and manage the Party. One paragraph and two vital links below the fold.

Robert Steele: The Death of Facebook … and Twitter and YouTube — the post #GoogleGestapo Internet is Emergent

A day does not go by that I do not receive inputs from citizens all over the world, generally of remarkably high quality and focus. Below the fold is a death notice for Facebook, which will probably not be able to rise to the European Community mandate that all end users must own their own …