Bin Laden Show: Entries 00-99 UPDATED 2 April 2016

Bin Laden Show….world’s most expensive PSYOP that keeps on giving. SHORT URL: 2016-04-02 BBC Censored Benazir Bhutto’s Report that Bin Laden Had Been Murdered 2016-03-01 Osama bin Laden’s will, personal letters made public Bin Laden died in 2001; several fakes followed. The last Bin Laden was a patsy provided by the government of Pakistan …

Mini-Me: Iranian Plot or False Flag Fraud?

Huh? U.S. Accuses Iranians of Plotting to Kill Saudi Envoy Holder: US will hold Iran accountable in plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador thwarted, U.S. officials say Alleged Iranian Terror Plotter Was Well-Known Texas Used Car Salesman U.S. aims to “unite the world” against Iran Iran slams plot allegations

Robert Steele: Trip Report – Occupy Wall Street 6 October 2011 – Second American Revolution is Real

I visited New York City 6-7 October 2011. First I met with Alexa O’Brien, one of the brilliant minds behind U.S. Day of Rage and its focus on Electoral Reform and non-violence as an absolute.  [My memo that Fox news still has not read is here.] Although they are also focused on a Constitutional Convention, …

Mini-Me: Assassination – Made in America – At What Cost? Impeachable Treason.

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality Without a shred of due process, far from any battlefield, President Obama succeeds in killing Anwar al-Awlaki Glenn Greenwald Salon, 30 September 2011 The US Assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki and the Blurring of Bright Lines E. D. Kain Forbes, 30 September 2011 The Obama administration has …