Journal: Deep Secrets, Copenhagen World Government, the M-Fund, and the Future

Phi Beta Iota: Conventional minds cannot handle the esoteric, in part because they have been dumbed down by really rotten educational systems that emphasize rote learning, and in part by social conventions that reward loyalty to idiocy over self-discovery and “branching.”  We are seeing a convergence in “revelations” as more individuals achieve “hacker-like” open minds …

Journal: Cognitive Dissonance, Military Suicides, and an Alternative Interpretation of the Fort Hood Deaths

For over many years now Phi Beta Iota has been emphasizing both the inappropriate secrecy and obscurity contrived for our dead and wounded, and the almost total black-out on both amputees (many of them multiple amputees) and suicides. We now know that Gulf I brought back over 250,000 disabled veterans, and that the toxic brew …

Review: Prisoner of the State–The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang

Editors Did Great, Could Have Gone Extra Mile October 31, 2009 Zhao Ziyang Most people miss the two bottom lines that I found engaging: 1. China’s government is a screwed up bureaucracy with petty egos just like ours. 2. China produced moderate pragmatist Premier Zhao Ziyang, promoted him, and empowered him. With all due respect …

Journal: How Many CIA’s and How Threatening is the CIA to the Lives of Leon Panetta and Barack Obama?

We were surprised this morning to learn that Ray McGovern, a CIA veteran whose credibility we respect, is saying that Leon Panetta and Barack Obama may be treating CIA with kid gloves for fear of being assassinated by the “insider” CIA that itself fears criminal prosecution for the death of over 100 detainees in CIA …

Journal: Race, Class, Money & Truth

In keeping with our new-found commitment to focus on public intelligence and leave political reform to others, this commentary provides an overview  of the political scene (including political commentary from journalists lacking any independence), and concludes that what is missing from our national dialog are integrity and public intelligence. First, the political “terrain” of ideological …

Journal: Loch Johnson on It’s Never a Quick Fix at the CIA

Professor Loch Johnson is one of two people who have served on both the Church Committee and the Aspin-Brown Commission.  The other is Britt Snider, Esquire. Today he examines the lack of integrity on the Hill, or totthless, inattentive oversight.  He does not address two factors that we comment on below the fold: 1.  There …

Journal: Stronger Signals–Naked Virginia Police Chiefs

+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++ We’ve seen quite a few stupid, abusive policemen–generally in Third World countries, struggling to make a living, treating corruption as a form of life insurance.  What we have not seen ourselves in Virginia, is stupid, abusive police chiefs and ignorant abusive “undercover” officers who go after citizens whose only crime …