Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Devalued, Automated Hate Speech Not Working

Bloomberg Continues to Needle Palantir Technologies All seven mutual funds that own Palantir shares have slashed the value of their holdings since their 2015 high of $11.38. SP Investments Management values Palantir at $7.87 a share as of September, the most recent data available. Morgan Stanley’s mutual funds have decreased prices seven times in three …

Berto Jongman: Think Tanks Facing 3 Challenges

The world’s think tank dilemma Yoichi Funabashi in Japan Times In fact, traditional think tanks are confronting three major challenges that have put them in a uniquely difficult situation. Not only are they facing increased competition from for-profit think tanks such as the McKinsey Global Institute and the Eurasia Group; they also must negotiate rising geopolitical …

Review (Guest): Everything You Need to Know by David Icke

6 Stars Guest Review  by Makia Freeman The Holographic, Quantum Nature of Reality and The Holographic, Quantum Nature of Humanity Our Holographic Reality is Actually a Giant Computer Simulation The Fall of Man Via the Orion-Saturn-Moon Distortion Other Subjects Covered: ETs, Perception Control and Sabbatean Frankism PC (Political Correctness) = Psychological Warfare (Zionists Against Straight White Men, …

Event(s): Arno Reuser Open Source Intelligence Training

The OSINT Pathfinder programme aims to share with delegates a systematic, planned and structured methodology to do in-depth research in open source information to produce actionable intelligence to assist decision makers in the decision making process. At the end of the training, delegates will have a full set of new capabilities, techniques and tools to …

Steve Morton: Robert Mueller Role in FBI Cover-Up of Patent Theft by Lockheed (James Comey) Partner Fincantieri Sanctioned by Department of State (Hillary Clinton) — Is Obama-Era Rachael Weaver in House Oversight Working with Rogue FBI to Stop This Investigation?

In brief, James Comey (Lockheed) and Hillary Clinton (Department of State), with the complicity of Robert Mueller (Federal Bureau of Investigation) conspired to steal our patented defense technology for applying tefflon-like super coatings to aviation and naval vessels using computer controlled robotics. This is especially helpful to sensitive stealth coatings. Below the fold: two emails …