Stephen E. Arnold: AI Is Stupid — Microsoft Says So….

Microsoft Says That AI Is Stupid I know there is a difference among: What senior managers believe about their minions’ innovations What marketers say about the technology the engineer wizards are crafting in the innovation microwave What “real” journalists angling for a job with some tailwind write What the reality of an innovation is, right …

Stephen E. Arnold: A Non-Profit Search Engine

A Not-For-Profit Search Engine? That’s So Crazy It Just Might Work The Common Search Project has a simple and straightforward mission statement. They want a nonprofit search engine, an alternative to the companies currently running the Internet (ahem, Google.) They are extremely polite in their venture, but also firmly invested in three qualities for the …

Stephen E. Arnold: An Open Source Search Engine to Experiment With

An Open Source Search Engine to Experiment With Apache Lucene receives the most headlines when it comes to discussion about open source search software.  My RSS feed pulled up another open source search engine that shows promise in being a decent piece of software.  Open Semantic Search is free software that cane be uses for …

Stephen E. Arnold: UK Cybersecurity Director Outlines Agency’s Failures in Ongoing Cyberwar

UK Cybersecurity Director Outlines Agencys Failures in Ongoing Cyberwar The article titled GCHQ: Spy Chief Admits UK Agency Losing Cyberwar Despite £860M Funding Boost on International Business Times examines the surprisingly frank confession made by Alex Dewdney, a director at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). He stated that in spite of the £860M funneled into …

Stephen E. Arnold: Dark Web Webinar and Book

Dark Web and Tor Investigative Tools: Tactics, New Products, and Ongoing Developments This webinar looks at specific vendors and products tailored to cope with Dark Web or hidden online services. The information in this webinar has been assembled as part of Stephen E Arnold’s 18 month research project into Dark Web solutions, tactics, and systems. …