Search: Counterintelligence & Capitalism

Great search!  We’ve been thinking recently about writing a piece on Strategic Counterintelligence that begins with Sun Tzu’s guidance to “know oneself.”  Your search is encouraging.  It boils down to one word: INTEGRITY.  The problem emerges when we fail to invest in education (as opposed to rote Weapons of Mass Instruction), this ultimate produces a …

Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution

Beyond 6 Stars–And a Seventh for Accessible Pricing December 5, 2009 Peter A. Corning I could spend a lifetime reading and re-reading this book, and each of the cited sources, and not waste the time at all. This is one of the most extraordinary works I have encountered, and while I cannot do it justice, …

Journal: Alternative Media Trumps “Main” Media, White House Denies ClimateGate, Google Strips “ClimateGate” as a Suggested Term

The Big Question: Does ‘climate-gate’ matter politically? Of course ClimateGate matters politically, and the damage has only begun.  This won’t help their electoral prospects. It also has ramifications for health care: If you can’t trust them on global warming, can you trust them on cancer screenings? Obama Ignores ‘Climate-Gate’ in Revising Copenhagen Plans The White …

Journal: ClimateGate Suppression Continues–Academy Wants Gore’s Oscar Back

U.N. to open “climategate” probe, Issa criticizes Obama’s refusal to investigate The UN has announced it will open an investigation into climate research as a result of the CRU e-mails and documents that became public last week. The UN said it is luanching the probe because some of the research in question touches on related …