Review: The Ascension Mysteries Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcok

SUMMARY & REVIEW David Wilcock, THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil (Dutton, 2017) 5 Star Authentic, Credible, & Inspiring The author is world-renowned for his New York Times bestseller The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies  and his follow-on The Synchronicity Key: The …

Ed Jewett: Cosmic Convergence on The Phoenix Event — Is Donald Trump the Wild Card and Are Military Tribunals the Next Move?

When and how will the folks in the hinterlands know if the military tribunal allegations are real? THE PHOENIX MOMENT: An Inescapable Global Event Is Close At Hand The very fact that Trump shut down the U.S. government actually bodes very well for the nation as well as for the world-at-large.  This shutdown is giving …

Mike Adams: CONVERGENCE – The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth?

CONVERGENCE: The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth? Let’s begin by considering the global convergence of the following 12 events and trends: 1) The desperate effort by globalists to end all national sovereignty 2) The aggressive ramping up of efforts to disarm all law-abiding citizens