J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 37 – Depopulation.

American Gray Swans – Week 37 – Depopulation. Not a particularly charming subject, but certainly relevant. As an engineer we are trained to look at the evidence while removing emotion from our decision making process. It seems we have about 7.4 billion people on this spinning planet and it is increasing, and that with our …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle

American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle Dam, I did not want to discuss this scum of humanity in the Gray Swans, but it is a good example of a Multi Dimensional Chess Game playing out. Whatever actually happened, whether he committed suicide, was hit, was removed, was exchanged, was cloned, or …

Joseph Olson: 9/11 Nuclear – The Unequivocal Story

Unequivocal 9/11 Nukes Engineering is applied science, with one caveat not shared with other science disciplines, engineers are held criminally and financially responsible for their errors and omissions. This moral component extends to non professional life, where protecting the Health & Safety of the Public includes exposing misrepresentations of science for political purposes.