Journal: Reinventing Education–Putting Students First

Reinventing education and the movement The US education is in crisis. The evidence is well-known and summarized in my post earlier this week. A root cause of the crisis is the application of the factory model of management to education, where everything is arranged for the scalability and efficiency of “the system”, to which …

Reference: The Revolution IS Being Tweeted

Recognition: How the revolution IS being tweeted Why Malcolm Gladwell got it wrong Read entire posting. See Also: Gaming as a Recognition & Reward System Grandmothers Role in Child-Driven Education

Journal: It’s Official–Social Media EDUCATES

Social Media, a Brilliant Teacher, the Power of Embracing the Future EXTRACT:  Mashable has a insightful post about how some teachers are incorporating social media into their classrooms and are seeing dramatic increases in student interest and achievement as a result. …. reading things like this excites me because shows me that we are winning …

Review: The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management–Reinventing the Workplace for the 21st Century

Startling clarity, common sense, and immediate relevance September 21, 2010 Steve Denning I received a copy of this book as a galley from the publisher, and I strongly recommend it in any form. I first met Steve Denning when he was recently retired from being program director of knowledge management at the World Bank, and …

Journal: Government as Client, Three Levels of Smart

Radical management: what to do when your customer is the government One constraint on implementing radical management is that the customer is on a different path altogether. A frequent example is where your customer is a government bureaucracy. You are aspiring to delight your client, and your client is saying, “Don’t bother with me such …