Release: President Trump Briefed on NSA Capabilities Against Financial Crime

RELEASE President Trump Briefed on NSA Capabilities Against Financial Crime Senior-level sources confirm that President Trump is now fully aware of NSA holdings relevant to mapping all individuals on Wall Street engaged in organized financial crime. WASHINGTON, D.C. Earth Intelligence Network has learned that President Donald Trump has been briefed on and is now fully …

Gordon Duff: Breaking/Confirmed: Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq to Receive Trump-Pompeo Missive — BONUS Alleged Photo of Soleimani with US Troops

Breaking/Confirmed: Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq to Receive Trump-Pompeo Missive No magic intercepts were needed, we now learn from Iraq, to arrange for the assassination of Soleimani. We now learn that the ambush was staged through diplomatic channels, drawing Soleimani to Iraq in order to receive an offer of reduced sanctions from President …

Matt Taibbi: Understanding Trump — How He Schlonged the Media to Gain an Unexpected Victory

Best book review: Manufacturing Fear and Loathing, Maximizing Corporate Profits! A Review of Matt Taibbi’s Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another Best quote (Chapter 7): Trump turned the Washington Post and the New York Times into what the wrestling world calls “dirt sheets.” Good interview:  Journalist Matt Taibbi Explains How Following …