Veterans Today: Donald Trump’s “Israel First” Foreign Policy

Listening to Trump’s speeches emphasizing his “America first” policy I could not help but be reminded of the Nazi slogan “Deutschland über alles.” Germany above all. Yet later, it became obvious to many that Trump’s “American first” policy is actually “Israel first” policy on the expense of American tax payers, and breaking many international laws. …

Veterans Today: The Deep State Narrative? Assange Smeared Shit on Walls, Fornicated with His Cat?

Assange Schmeared Sh#t on Walls, Ecuador’s UK Envoy Claims Editor’s note:  The Deep State machinery is in full motion, a once in a lifetime chance for trained watchers.  The real king of the Deep State, Julian Assange, has put himself in play, with evidence he is stark raving mad, and by our estimation always has …

Veterans Today: Israel The ‘Bleeding Wound’ of the US, Bringing about its Downfall

Israel: The ‘Bleeding Wound’ of the US, Bringing about its Downfall The extent of Jewish grip on the US Administration and American policies could also be judged from the observation of Mike Stathis who, while quoting Senator William J., writes, “The great majority of the Senate of the United States…somewhere around 80 percent…are completely in …