John Petersen: Is Coronavirus Contagious? by Sally Fallon Morell

Is Coronavirus Contagious? by Sally Fallon Morell It’s clear that we are making the same mistake with viruses that we have made with cholesterol and saturated fat—blaming a substance that is essential to life for causing disease. Just twenty years ago the medical profession “knew” that bacteria were killers—now we recognize that bacteria are essential …

Mongoose: Epidemiologist: Coronavirus could be ‘exterminated’ if lockdowns lifted

Duh. This is what all the smart people say. So when do we hang Little Mussolini (Fauci) and Billy Gates (metaphorically speaking)? Epidemiologist: Coronavirus could be ‘exterminated’ if lockdowns lifted The unprecedented policy of mass quarantine to “flatten the curve” is only prolonging the coronavirus pandemic, contends a veteran scholar of epidemiology. RELATED VIDEO Below …