Zero Hedge: Populist Rage Emergent — 8,000 Die Every Day in USA — and We Wrecked the Entire Economy for 2,400 Most of Whom did Not Die from “Coronavirus”?

P Is For Pandemic (And Populist Rage) Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, On an average day in America 8,000 people die, or 2.9 million per year. When that perspective is placed in context next to the 2,400 deaths in the month of March from the coronavirus, you have to question the …

Tom Atlee: Some Big-Picture Perspectives on Coronavirus

Some clarifying big-picture perspectives on the coronavirus Yet there’s one thing that systems modelling doesn’t account for: and that’s the human capacity to give freely regardless of material constraints. As the coronavirus crisis kicks off, it is our capacity through love to work, give and share not for monetary gain, not for self-protection, not for …

Unz Review: Mr. President, Please VETO the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package that Will Be a Stake in Your Heart and End Your Presidency!

The Senate’s Coronavirus Relief Package Must be Stopped! Mike Whitney, Unz Review The Senate’s $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package is not fiscal stimulus and it’s not a lifeline for the tens of millions of working people who have suddenly lost their jobs. It’s a fundamental restructuring of the US economy designed to strengthen the grip …

Robert Steele: England Lied — CDC Lied — Coronavirus Fake Pandemic Model Numbers Drastically Downgraded to Normal Flu

Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection This was not an accident.  This was a malicious lie sanctioned by the British Government and actively spread across global media by MI-6 and CIA to create a global panic in tandem with the City of London and Wall Street doing massive amounts of insider trading both in advance (dumping …