BREAKING: Martin Armstrong on US Political Corruption — And Why Trump Makes Sense

There are TWO MAJOR types of People who Want to be President All Republics collapse into oligarchies as ours is doing right now. They control both sides of the aisle and they will do whatever they need to do to win. I do not write out of theory. I have actually been in meeting on …

Martin Armstrong: Klaus Schwab the New Karl Marx Destined to Kill Hundreds of Millions

Klaus Schwab the New Karl Marx Destined to Kill Hundreds of Millions  Anyone who thinks this is an election of just Democrat v Republican is a fool. There is a serious agenda behind these lockdowns and they have been intended to prevent commuters and to crush the world economy. Even Australia rules out international travel …

Martin Armstrong: Canada As First Deep State Prison State — Post-National State with No Core Identity

Why Alberta Better Exit Canada & Fast Trudeau is about as corrupt as they come. It is curious how the claimed left, who is so concerned about getting the rich back and being fair, is always the most corrupt. It reminds me of that famous line, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” from the play …

Review (DVD): The Forecaster — About Martin Armstrong, CIA-Deep State Takedown of Russia, CIA-FBI Framing of Martin Armstrong

6 Star — Deep State-DOJ-CIA-FBI Coffin I watched this video very carefully. I have come to three conclusions: 01 The Deep State with full complicity of the CIA and the FBI carried out an economic war against Russia in the 1990’s that led to the take down of  Republic Bank and Martin Armstrong. 02 The …