Martin Armstrong: Class War Not Race War; Police Immunity not Police Brutality; Government Could Fall

Defunding Police – Is This the Right Choice or the Next Step in Revolution? Key points: more whites killed than blacks by police. This is about police impunity and immunity.  This is a class war not a race war.  COVID-19 wrecked the economy, created 40 million unemployed who are now protesting unemployment rather than any …

Martin Armstrong: Gates-Fauci Treason in the Open — Call for Special Prosecutor

Gates & Fauci Conspiracy (+ Birx? Treason?) The conspiracy between Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci is in the open. We now have Fauci saying the same thing as Gates – the country will NEVER return to normal until everyone is vaccinated against this pretend virus. Fauci has suggested that until a vaccine is developed, we …

Martin Armstrong: Bill Gates is Hitler — Be Chipped or Die!

Bill Gates is the Greatest Threat to Your Future Bill Gates is the single greatest threat to your future. His entire agenda is to outlaw all gatherings until you are vaccinated and chipped so they know you are vaccinated. This man is conspiring to take down Western culture. Bill Gates has unleashed his conspiracy against …