Stephen E. Arnold: Microsoft – Unsafe At Any Speed 2.0?

Microsoft: Stunned by Its Own Insecure Petard? I read “10 Key Microsoft Ignite Takeaways for CIOs.” Marketing fluff except for one wild and crazy statement. Here’s the passage I found amusing: By midyear, enterprises will also be able to control in which datacenter Microsoft stores documents shared through Teams, group by group or even for …

Stephen E. Arnold: Microsoft LinkedIn — A Real Loser?

Microsoft LinkedIn: Opting and Gigging Microsoft LinkedIn has determined that its millions of job seekers, consultants, and résumé miners can become gig workers. “LinkedIn Is Building a Gig Marketplace” asserts: LinkedIn is developing a freelance work marketplace that could rival fast-growing gig sites Fiverr and Upwork. The two-sided marketplace will connect freelance service providers with …

Stephen E. Arnold: LinkedIn Phishing Security Collapse?

Linked In Phishing One of the news items in an upcoming DarkCyber talks about LinkedIn phishing exploits. I want to mention this method of hijacking or intruding into a system for two reasons. First, Microsoft has been explaining and reframing the SolarWinds’ security misstep for a couple of months. The Redmond giant has used explanations …

Stephen E. Arnold: Objectifying the Hiring Process: Human Judgment Must Be Shaped

Objectifying the Hiring Process: Human Judgment Must Be Shaped Do online hiring and filtering systems work. The write up reminds the thumb typing reader about Amazon’s algorithmic hiring and filtering system: In 2018 it was widely reported to have scrapped its own system, because it showed bias against female applicants. The Reuters news agency said …

Stephen E. Arnold: Why Use an Open Source Database?

Why Use an Open Source Database? Brilliant Inadvertent Explanation I thought, “Why bother to read ‘Everything You Should Know about the Oracle Database.’” I am delighted that I did. I read the article in The Tech Block twice! The information attempts to explain some of Oracle’s licensing guidelines. The author does a workmanlike job of …