Stephen E. Arnold: On Complexity, Stupid Computers, Worthless Big Data, and Total Surveillance . . More Fuel for the Web 3.0 Fire!

8 Complexity Analysis Underscores a Fallacy in the Value of Mindless Analysis of Big Data A Business Case for Search in the Time of Covid and the SolarWinds Misstep Facial Recognition? Old Hat. Now It Is Behavioral Recognition Google and Microsoft in Australia: Ripping the Fabric of Some of the Internet? Phi Beta Iota: Arnold …

Stephen E. Arnold: What Is Next for Amazon Netradyne?

What Is Next for Amazon Netradyne? I noted the “real” news outfit CNBC story “Amazon Is Using AI-Equipped Cameras in Delivery Vans and Some Drivers Are Concerned about Privacy.” The use case is monitoring drivers. I have heard that some drivers work like beavers. Other comments suggest that some drivers play fast and loose with …

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Algorithms Can Kill You . . .

Facebook Algorithms: Pernicious, Careless, Indifferent, or No Big Deal? What is good for the social media platform is not necessarily good for its users. Or society. The Startup examines the “Facebook AI Algorithm: One of the Most Destructive Technologies Ever Invented.” Facebook’s AI is marketed as a way to give users more of what they …

Stephen E. Arnold: SolarWinds Misstep — Who Else Went Off the Cliff?

The SolarWinds Misstep: Who Else Walked Off the Cliff? “Hack Said to Extend Beyond SolarWinds” is a troubling “real” news story. The idea that bad actors may have gained access to commercial and government servers for more than a year was troubling. According to the write up, the data breach has another dimension: Close to …