SchwartzReport: Singapore and the Arctic Council + Solution + Water Flood Meta-RECAP

Here is what climate change and the melting of the Arctic looks like from Malaysia. It is a very sensible assessment, of a depth one rarely sees in the Western media. Polar Politics and the Melting Arctic JOSEPH CHINYONG LIOW, professor of comparative and international politics – The Malay Mail (Malaysia) Singapore’s recent accession to …

Sepp Hasslberger: Sun Splits Water to Produce Hydrogen — the Holy Grail of Energy + Water Energy RECAP

Slowly getting there … when the universities get in on the act, we just might end up with a clean energy economy! Have we found the ‘holy grail’ in cutting emissions? Power plant claims to produce hydrogen by splitting water with sunlight The University of Colorado at Boulder has designed a hydrogen plant that uses …

SchwartzReport: Miami Under Seawater — and Losing Drinking Water

Our children, grandchildren, and all the generations that follow are going to curse us. As the Republicans in the senate and the house, and their Theocratic Right base block any meaningful action on climate change, and Obama is reduced to doing what he can through executive order, our world is slipping away. The changes are …

2013 Robert Steele: $500 Million to Resettle 1 Million on a Moonscape with Sun, Dirt, & Salt Water….Exploring the Practical Edge of Intelligence with Integrity — 2.0 Habitat Cost Sheet Posted

OUR OBJECTIVE:  Figure out how to take one million people out of a virtual hell and resettle them into a virtual heaven, using only $500 million ($500 per person), and three ingredients available in plentitude: sunlight, barren earth, and salt water.  Begin within 90 days and finish within two years.  In so doing, create the …