REVIEW: The Divide – American Injustice in the Ago of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi

SUMMARY REVIEW Seven Stars Life Transformational — Sickening Detailed Account of Trillion Dollar Crimes by Bankers Ignored While Black and Latino Workers are Beaten Daily for Profit at the Bottom of the Injustice Pyramid Review by Robert David Steele I read this book on my way to and from Dimensions of Disclosure where I delivered …

SPECIAL: DNC Plans to Throw Race to Trump To Make More Money — Sanders & Gabbard to be Blocked, Harris & Warren Chosen as Losing Ticket?

Is the Democratic Establishment Backing Trump While Rigging the Nomination Against Bernie and Tulsi? An assistant to one of the party bosses, who asked not to be identified for fear of losing his job, pointed out that the DNC actually makes more money as a result of anger about Donald Trump’s Presidency than they would …

Advisory – Former Intelligence Leaders to Outline Illegal Government Spying, Criminality; Will Present “Ways to Save Our Country” at Disclosure Conference (Ventura, CA, 23-25 August 2019)

PRESS ADVISORY SHORT URL: Former Intel. Leaders to Outline Illegal Gov. Spying, Criminality and “Ways to Save Our Country” at Dimensions of Disclosure Conference With Trump’s Base in Revolt, Robert David Steele and William Binney Forecast 2020 Election