Mini-Me: World Revolting Against US Economic Model [Full Text Online for Google Translate]

Open Letter at P2P Foundation Dear friends and colleagues, The world is riveting toward a possible turning point and we hope that you are able to stand with us in this call to action. We, the undersigned, have co-authored the document noted below. We are now writing to seek your endorsement. Please if you wish …

Reflections: Citizen in Search of Integrity (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

This is an updated version of the 2002 original, “Citizen in Search of a Leader.” We are now in Epoch B. Instead of leaders, we need facilitators, and the leadership comes from within the larger collective as it achieves ethical transparent consensus. Summary of Qualifications America needs a facilitator that is balanced, thoughtful, integrative, supportive …

Cynthia McKinney: The Truth on Libya–Another War of Lies

LIBYA AND THE BIG LIE: USING HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS TO LAUNCH WARS Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya The war against Libya is built on fraud. The United Nations Security Council passed two resolutions against Libya on the basis of unproven claims, specifically that Colonel Muammar Qaddafi was killing his own people in Benghazi. The claim in its …