Reference: SIPRI Multilateral Peace Operations Fact Sheets

Multilateral peace operations: Africa, 2009 Multilateral peace operations: Asia, 2009 Multilateral peace operations: Europe, 2009 Multilateral peace operations: personnel, 2009 Kirsten Soder SIPRI Fact Sheets [Click for Download Options] These SIPRI Fact Sheets present data from the SIPRI Multilateral Peace Operations Database to illuminate some of the most significant developments in peace operations around the …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Colombian Constitution vs. US

Colombia: The Constitutional Court yesterday declared an agreement granting US military access to Colombian bases unconstitutional on procedural grounds. La Patilla reported the vote was 6-3 against the agreement, and Semana reported the court would soon give a press conference to explain the details. The constitutional court ruled the 2009 accord should be redrafted as …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Water

Six-Star and Beyond Review: Governing Water–Contentious Transnational Politics and Global Institution Building (Global Environmental Accord–Strategies for Sustainability and Institutional Innovation) Review: Blue Gold–The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water Review: The Atlas of Water, Second Edition–Mapping the World’s Most Critical Resource Five Star and Below Review (DVD): Blue Gold–World Water Wars …

April Post Re-Cap

The following headlines and links are extracted from the Earth Intelligence Network Twitter feed while this site was down in April: » FOIA document on counterfeit $100 note connection to North Korea + US dept of Treasury & ‘federal’ Reserve reveal new $100 bill design to combat counterfeiting ( » New global CrisisWatch …

Review: How Terrorism Ends–Understanding the Decline and Demise of Terrorist Campaigns

Needs Inside the Book for Fifth Star April 3, 2010 Audrey Kurth Cronin If and when the publisher provides the table of contents and a sample chapter (easy to upload using the standard publishing tools offered by Amazon Advantage) or works with Amazon to achieve Inside the Book access, I will consider buying this book. …