Penguin: Adobe Makes Open Source A Priority — This Will Not Save Them

How and Why Adobe is Making Open Source A Strategic Priority In October 2018, Adobe ranked as the 16th largest corporate open source contributor (per Github data), moving up the list from our 32ndranking in 2017. One of the reasons for this growth came from the acquisition of Magento in June 2018 and its open …

Robert Steele: “I Told You So” on Both Russia and Cyber….

Former Assistant Director of Intelligence for the FBI, Kevin  R. Brock, has written an obituary for James Comey that reads very very well. James Comey is in trouble and he knows it In my view, in this order, Brennan, Hayden, Clapper, and Comey could and should legitimately face the hangman’s noose sometime in Donald Trump’s …