Stephen E. Arnold: Artificial Intlelligence Fakery and BigTech #GoogleGestapo Architecture of Surveillance

An Artificial Intelligence Doubter: Remarkable The often cynical and always irreverent Piekniewski’s blog has posted another perspective of the AI field in, “AI Update, Late 2019 – Wizards of Oz.” AI and deep learning scholar Filip Piekniewski has made a habit of issuing take-downs of AI propaganda, and this time he takes aim at self-driving …

Charles Hugh Smith: Suppressing Dissent Guarantees Disorder and Collapse (Revolution)

Suppressing Dissent Guarantees Disorder and Collapse The frantic efforts of am exploitive elite to eliminate dissent only accelerates the regime’s path to collapse. Regimes that are losing public support always make the same mistake: rather than fix the source of the loss of public trust–the few enriching themselves at the expense of the many– the …

Worth a Look: David Wilcock Article, Book, Film + Kerry Cassidy Retrospective

David Wilcock is a master at weaving together cutting-edge alternative science, shocking insider information, and his own personal experiences to reveal stunning truths about humanity, extraterrestrials, and the universe we share. In Awakening in the Dream, David will once again combine his extensive research, the Law of One series, new insider revelations, and his own …