Stephen E. Arnold: Law Enforcement Demanding Mobile Data for All Person’s Anywhere Near a Crime Scene But Lacking in Big Data Tools To Process

Law Enforcement and Big Data The job of being an officer of the law has never been harder, but many on the tech side are trying to make it easier. But, as with most innovations, this might make life harder. Confused? Join the club. A recent spate of big data law enforcement innovations are due …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon’s Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) — The Ultimate Censorable, Manipulable Walled Garden, a World Brain Of, By, and For the Zionists?

Amazon: Why Support Blockchain? To Chase IBM? Wrong. In June 2018, I will describe Amazon’s lynch pin approach to intelligence analysis. The “play” has been ignored or overlooked by those who monitor the next generation information access market. At the Telestrategies ISS conference, I will report the DarkCyber and Beyond Search analysts’ assessment of this …

Stephen E. Arnold: If Facebook is a Tyranny, Governments are Inept at Regulating It… #GoogleGestapo

Regulating Facebook and Unexpected Consequences After Mark Zuckerberg’s mostly frothy and somewhat entertaining testimonies for Congress and the Senate, what are we left with? Some tea leaves are saying that Facebook will likely be permitted to self regulate. What happens if governments step in. One commentator worries not just for our privacy, but for society …

Stephen E. Arnold: The China Advantage – Engineers in Mass

Is Chinese Smart Software Different from US and UK AI? I read “China Now Has the Most Valuable AI Startup in the World.” That’s one difference: Valuation. According to the Bloomberg news report: Read full post. Is there a third difference? Based on the information dribbling in via my open source news stream, yes, there …

Stephen E. Arnold: Unlocking iPhones

DarkCyber Profiles the Grayshift iPhone Unlocking Appliance DarkCyber has released a special video report about Grayshift’s iPhone unlocking device for law enforcement forensics professionals. The GrayKey device unlocks most iPhones quickly and without the need to ship the suspect’s mobile phone off site.