Review: The Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War, Losing the Peace

Phenomenal–Ref A Relevant to Everywhere Else December 21, 2009 Ali A. Allawi The author has achieved extraordinary synthesis and summation, with gifted straight-forward language.This book is not only a capstone reference, but demonstrates why we need to LISTEN–none of us could learn–in a lifetime–all that this author has in his head. That’s why multinational engagement …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 30 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Mercenary Mann says South Africa backed coup plot 11/29/09 AA: Are SA mercenaries assisting Guinea’s military junta? 11/26/09 AO: Angola: Armed forces reiterate support for public health services 11/26/09 CD: DR Congo appeals for arrest of FDLR leaders in Western countries 11/26/09 ET: Ethiopia’s Human Rights Reports presented to the African Commission …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 29 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: ASEAN, China to co-operate on fight against terror, crime 11/25/09 BD: ‘Indian insurgents fleeing Bangladesh’ 11/27/09 CN: China to launch second lunar probe next October 11/26/09 IN: ‘Defence forces need latest informartion warfare skills’ 11/27/09 IN: India to probe Chinese drug imports 11/27/09 IN: Mumbai marks anniversary of terror attacks 11/26/09 TH: …

Search: Strategic Analytic Model

A Strategic Analytic Model is the non-negotiable first step in creating Strategic Intelligence, and cascades downto also enable Operational, Tactical, and Technical Intelligence. The most relevant strategic analytic model to our purposes is the one inspired by the United Nations High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change.  Their report,  A More Secure World–Our Shared …