Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Bio-Economics

Bio-Economics & Natural Harmony Bio-Base Review: Biocapital–The Constitution of Postgenomic Life Review: Diet for a Small Planet Review: Geosystems–An Introduction to Physical Geography (6th Edition) Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution Review: Human Scale Review: Intelligence in Nature Review: Low Carbon Diet–A 30 Day Program to Lose 5000 Pounds–Be Part of …

2012 U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: 450-Ship Navy, <24 Hours to Anywhere, Peace from the Sea -- Full Text Online

I wrote the original Somali piracy overview for US CENTCOM J-2P in 2005–no one wanted to take on the problem.  A few years later I was told by both USSOCOM and Navy Irregular Warfare–I am not making this up–that the reason they did not take an interest at the time was that it was “not …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: James Duncan

Photo Credit:  Piers Cawley 3D printing and open source design Biography in Book: James Duncan is VP of Technology at Marketingisland, in Montreal, Quebec. Prior to joining Marketingisland James worked for Fotango Ltd, a Canon subsidiary, first as its Chief Scientist and then as CIO. While at Fotango James spent time researching many emerging technologies, including …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Douglas Engelbart

Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart, Founder Emeritus of the Doug Engelbart Institute*, has an unparalleled track record in predicting, designing, and implementing the future of organizational computing. From his early vision of turning organizations into augmented knowledge workshops, he went on to pioneer what is now known as collaborative hypermedia, knowledge management, community networking, and organizational …